Vaccination is the most important thing you can do to protect your community against serious illnesses. When enough people get vaccinated, it's harder for a disease to spread to those who can't have vaccines.

We are pleased to tell you that we have now vaccinated the majority of our patients who are over 30 years of age, those in at risk groups and anyone shielding during the pandemic.

We have no dates in January 2022 for any practice clinics, however you can arrange a vaccine at Community Pharmacy and at Trust sites on the links below

What is COVID-19 (coronavirus)? Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are common across the world. These viruses can cause mild symptoms ranging from a fever and cough to more serious conditions such as severe pneumonia, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties.  

Due to COVID-19 our lines can be extremely busy so please bear with us. We have all available staff answering calls as they come in.

If you have any healthcare concerns please do not hesitate to ring the surgery and a GP will call you back. We woudl encourage you not to come to the surgery unless you have an appointment or have been asked to pick up a prescription or paperwork.

Appointments for bloods, immunisations, injections, dressings

If you need an appointment for essential bloods, immunisations, dressings  or injections please give us a call and we will arrange a date and time for you to come to the surgery.  On arrival please make sure you are wearing a mask, unless exempt and use the hand sanitiser provided in the waiting area. We continue to take great care to try and ensure everyone is kept as safe as possible.

What to do when the practice is closed between 13.00pm and 14.00pm

We close the practice between 13.00pm and 14.30pm for deep cleaning Monday to Friday.  During this time ring 07564906133 in the event of a medical  emergency.  A GP will take your call.                                                            

Ordering and collecting your prescriptions

 You may order your prescriptions using our phone or online ordering service or pop it into the box in the lobby just inside the front door to the surgery. If you haven't already you will need to let us know which pharmacy will pick your prescriptions up for you.  Prescriptions are picked up by your nominated pharmacy unless you have been asked specifically to collect it yourself by a GP or member of the team.  


Willowfield Surgery
50-52 Castlereagh Road

Phone: 028 9045 7862

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