New Clinical System

What’s happening and why?

Our surgery is moving to a new clinical system called EMIS Web.  This new system is used widely by many other GP surgeries in Northern Ireland and across the UK.

The clinical system is what we use to record consultations, issue prescriptions and send/receive information from secondary care.  (EMIS Web is not the Encompass system you may have heard about which is used in hospitals.)

We believe that this new clinical system will provide a number of efficiencies across various aspects of our daily work in the surgery.

This is a major change internally within the surgery, with staff having to train and learn a new system and new processes.  We will endeavour to keep disruption to patients at a minimum.  As they say, nobody likes change, but as a practice we are agreed that this short term pain will provide a long term gain. 


We will begin using the new clinical system during the week commencing 17th February.  However we expect there to be disruption to our usual services from Thursday 13th to Friday 21st.

How will this affect me?

Appointments:  Whilst our clinical and administrative staff get to grips with the new clinical system we expect to have a reduced number of appointments from 13th – 21st February.  You should not put off contacting the GP if you are unwell.  We will always ensure that patients with the highest clinical need are prioritised, but this may mean some patients might be asked to call back once we return to full capacity.

Prescriptions:  We will be unable to print any repeat prescriptions on Friday 14th and Monday 17th February.  Please review your current supply of medication.  If you need to order a prescription between Thursday 13th and Tuesday 18th, please ensure this is ordered early in the week commencing 10th February.  Access to our prescription online ordering platform “Patient Services” will cease to exist.  For a temporary period, prescription requests can be emailed to – until we get the new EMIS online system up and running.  We will keep you informed of our progress with this.

In Summary

  • Be aware of a reduction in normal service from 13th to 21st February.
  • If you are due to order a prescription from 13th to 18th February ensure you order this early on week commencing 10th.
  • Access to Patient Services online ordering will cease and for a temporary period, you will need to email your request to
  • Please be patient with our staff as they navigate their way through a major change of clinical system.


Willowfield Surgery
50-52 Castlereagh Road

Phone: 028 9045 7862

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